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Make a difference through WMU Compassion Ministries

WMU Compassion Ministries give you the chance to directly support suffering people throughout the world.

Together we can:

  • bring assistance to those in poverty,
  • offer hope to victims of human exploitation,
  • create a sense of safety and belonging for refugees,
  • provide relief to those in need of humanitarian aid,
  • support vulnerable children and the families that care for them, and
  • learn about mental health challenges and how to respond.
WorldCrafts develops sustainable fair-trade businesses among impoverished people around the world. Each WorldCrafts product represents a life changed by the opportunity to earn an income with dignity and to hear the offer of eternal hope. Christian Women’s Job Corps/Christian Men’s Job Corps equips women and men, in a Christian context, for life and employment. Through CWJC/CMJC, men and women gain self-confidence, direction and hope for their future.

Learn more about additional WMU Compassion Ministries such as Pure Water, Pure Love, Project HELP, and Baptist Nursing Fellowship on


Poverty Relief

Trafficking Relief


Christian Job Corps

Compassion Ministries Courses